Stevenel offers the following professional cargo handling solutions to improve Your loading and unloading operations:

  • Pulp handling attachments
  • General cargo attachments for
    • Sawn timber
    • Paper reels
    • Chipboard
    • Plywood, etc.
  • Big bag attachments
  • Steel product attachments
  • Palletized cargo attachments
  • Waste bale attachments
  • Container handling attachments

These all attachments make it possible to use modern, fully hydraulic mobile cranes for harbours, terminals and industrial enviroments.

Already more than sixty harbors and industrial terminals have selected this new material handling concept in Scandinavia, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Italy, UK, Baltic countries, Russia, Slovenia, Poland, Brazil…

Latest spreader developments include also cargo lift frames for cable /rope cranes. Especially we offer lift frames for pulp, sawn timber, Big Bags, steel pipes and paper reels for cable cranes.